David Brooks ist unser Künstler in Residenz 2024
David Brooks‘ Arbeit untersucht, wie kulturelle Bedenken nicht vom natürlichen Umfeld getrennt werden können, und hinterfragt dabei die Bedingungen, unter denen Natur wahrgenommen und genutzt wird. Er hat bedeutende Projekte am Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Storm King, MoMA/PS1, Tang Museum, deCordova Museum, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Galerie für Landschaftskunst in Hamburg, Crystal Bridges und dem Sculpture Center durchgeführt. Im Jahr 2011 kreierte Brooks „Desert Rooftops“ am Times Square, ein Erdwerk, das von der Art Production Fund in Auftrag gegeben wurde; 2018 eine groß angelegte geologische Installation auf Governors Island. Er ist zudem Träger des Rom-Preises 2020.
Rock, Mosquito and Hummingbird: A Prehistory of Governors Island , 2017-2018
Rock, Mosquito and Hummingbird: A Prehistory of Governors Island , 2017-2018
Budding Bird Blind, 2020-ongoing, Wood, hardware, stucco, paint, with forest procession of American tulip trees, flowering
dogwoods, northern red oak, maples and serviceberry trees (bird attractive species)
Budding Bird Blind, 2020-ongoing, Wood, hardware, stucco, paint, with forest procession of American tulip trees, flowering
dogwoods, northern red oak, maples and serviceberry trees (bird attractive species)
Sketch of a Blue Whale (Enlarged to Scale: 23 meters, 154 tons), 2012, Polished stainless-steel tubing, used galvanized steel scaffolding, hardware, 18,104 x 18,108 x 3000 mm
Permanent Field Observations, 2018-ongoing, Thirty bronze castings of ephemeral natural objects within Storm King’s wooded perimeter,
permanently affixed directly next to the subjects from which they were cast
Permanent Field Observation, 2018-ongoing, Thirty bronze castings of ephemeral natural objects within Storm King’s wooded perimeter,
permanently affixed directly next to the subjects from which they were cast
Gap Ecology, 2013-2023, 60’ aerial boom lifts, Majesty palms, weather
Still Life with Stampeded and Guano, 2011, Concrete animal forms that lived with wild birds, guano, varnish
Continuous Service Altered Daily, 2016-2017, Disassembled 1976 John Deere 3300 combine harvester with various components
sandblasted, brass-plated, and gold powder-coated; display vitrines, wood pedestals, acrylic
bonnets, and signage
Desert Rooftops, 2011 - 2012, Asphalt shingled rooftops, wood, vinyl siding, metal interpretive signs, 100 x 70 x 18 feet
A Proverbial Machine in the Garden (detail), 2013
A Proverbial Machine in the Garden, 2013, A buried Dynahoe tractor, concrete, earth, landscape, steel grating
Preserved Forest, 2010 - 2011, Amazonian nursery-grown trees, earth, concrete